Monday, April 19, 2010

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Aunt Phlo M. Sucketh is kicking down the door and I'm afraid I have no choice but to let her in. I had such a horrible week this past week, but after a very long night of praying, I FINALLY felt a bit of peace. Then Aunt Phlo decided to make me feel like crap today, so I spent most of it sleeping. I made sure Olive had lunch, then took a nap, then made sure she had dinner and her pills, then needed to sleep again. Now I'm hungry, which is better than feeling nauseated. I feel bad that she was pretty much alone all day, but I really needed the rest. Consequently, there's pretty much nothing to put in my blog. I'm reading a book called "Comrade J: The untold secrets of Russia's master spy in America after the end of the Cold War." It's amazing! I feel bad for the Russian people, having such corrupt leaders and consequently being so far behind the rest of the First World countries. I'm sure the government doesn't mind them being behind. Russia has incredible strength and resources and if they got their crap together, they'd be more powerful than the US. (Same goes for Brazil.) But the book goes into detail about the kinds of information stolen and who gave it to the Russians and all that. Apparently many of the people who have passed information are still in their government jobs and of course denied the book's contents. So exciting this book.

1 comment:

Kim said...

speaking of Russia... do you remember going to "The Sum of All Fears" together? I'm pretty sure you had to explain some of it to me. Never in my life would I choose to read a book about a Russian spy. Todd probably would -- poor him he likes politics and knows a lot about what's going on around the world and I don't even have a clue.