Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Don't pluck eyebrows when hopped up on Dr. Pepper

This afternoon Olive wanted to walk around this dog park she used to take her dog to. I thought, okay why not, and drove the short distance. As soon as I got out of the car, my nose was assaulted by the stench of dog poo in various stages of decay (or perhaps it was the smelly children in various stages of play?). There is a sidewalk around the outer edge of the park, with benches and two water fountains. Behind us was an elderly, very white man walking with a young black guy, who looked as though he was trying to down play his ghetto past. You know the type, awesomely styled hair like Jamie Foxx used to have (not cornrowed, but like ity-bity dreds). He had the oversized collared shirt hanging untucked over conservative shorts and tennis shoes. It was an interesting combination. They didn't walk very far, and the white guy was doing the driving. I like noticing little strange things like this.
As I was eating dinner, I was watching the rabbits eat the grass outside. Then I see this teeny-tiny little bunny, so small it could fit on my hand, come out of the bushes and start to eat. It was soooo cute! I hate how the rabbits strip the yard, and Olive hates them with a passion, but I can't chase them away. They're just trying to survive. How would I feel if some great beast kept chasing me away from the kitchen every time I tried to eat?
Did I tell you a bird flew in the house last night? Olive was on the phone and sat there laughing with Dorothy about my laughing/shrieking. Olive said, "I once had a rat in the house that bit my toe, so this isn't so bad." That was not encouraging.
Have you ever read the term "ghosting through the building" or something like it? I love the term, very descriptive, but this morning I actually saw it in action. I was at Ralph's picking up some groceries and glanced down the aisle just in time to see a tall man with very white hair float across my line of vision. At first I thought he was an albino and it was rather creepy how he seemed to just float. I wandered to the end of the aisle and down a bit to find him again to gawk. I admit, I wanted to stare just a few seconds at someone with albinism. I found the man, but he wasn't an albino, he just had white hair. Odd looking man, but it was still cool to see someone "ghost" through a store.

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