Sunday, April 25, 2010

Enter big long sigh here

So yesterday Olive wanted to go out, again, and as usual it was impossible for her to make up her mind where she wanted to go. We finally ended up at some Chinese-ish restaurant with food that tasted about the same as every other Chinese-ish restaurant in America, despite the fact that the people working there were actually Chinese. At the end of the meal I opened my fortune cookie (which is NOT Chinese) and I kid you not, one side was in English, the other was in Spanish. Need I go into how many things are wrong with this? First of all, it is a CHINESE restaurant, not a Mexican restaurant, so shouldn't any translations be in Chinese? Better yet, don't translate it at all. Glory. For some reason, during the meal my voice left, and Olive insisted on talking, so I kept having to lean across the table to get her to hear me.
After lunch, we were headed home (due to Olive's instructions) and we had JUST reached the corner where we turn to head to the house and she decides she wants to go walk around Poo Park. Sigh. Fortunately, by four in the afternoon I could have time to myself and make sweet bread for the missionaries.
Today's church was great, with one exception. Since it's my last official Sunday, the bishop surprised me with bearing my testimony in sacrament. Not so nice considering all that's been going on. But the rest of it was really good. I come home and almost immediately fall asleep, with my feet hanging off the bed and my shoe falling off. I wake up to hear Olive on the phone talking to Dorothy about how I just "walked in, said hi, and went upstairs". How rude of me (apparently). She's easily offended and even partially invents things to be offended at.
Anyways, as I type this, I'm watching the three lawn-destroying rabbits literally roll around in the dirt and play leap frog with each other. Ever seen a rabbit jump over another rabbit? I should sell tickets.

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