Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Woo-she-ah moo-vees

I am not one who likes movies to end badly. Movies are a much needed break from reality and should end happily. Good should always conquer evil, the hero always gets his damsel, all is well. Bearing this in mind, it makes no sense for me to like these stylized martial arts movies, wuxia I think they're called. I've only seen two, Hero and House of Flying Daggers, but I really want to see more. There is far too much angst, too much sadness, but the colors! The grace in every movement! The way every look, every movement, every word is filled with meaning! The way it twists and keeps you creeping to the edge of your seat! Most movies tend to be so cliche I can guess what is going to happen, when, why...and these movies are too, but they keep you so dazzled in the beauty of the art, it's like seeing the story for the first time.
Poo on American martial arts films....

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