Saturday, March 1, 2008

ah penny, brown penny

Well the past few days have been filled with a whole lot of horrible. Until Saturday afternoon. I drove to Pocatello and spend hours playing with Kim's baby Reese. I couldn't get over the chubby cheeks and the weird way her hair was growing. And the way she just curled up after eating with her head on my shoulder...I am so in love with that baby! It was nice to get out of poopy Rexburg, although Pocatello was horribly cold and windy and there were so much traffic I couldn't believe it. I took the wrong exit and followed traffic until I wound up in the Lowe's parking lot. Traffic is evil. When I got home, my jacket smelled like baby barf and I loved it. On the drive home, however, my mom called and told my Sidnee has a fractured vertebre in her back. Apparently it's been there since her accident and the freaking doctors never caught it! So she's been walking around, riding horses, playing sports with a broken back! I was so mad. When a young girl is thrown out of a truck down a mountain, lands among logs and rocks, suffers from a bruised lung and concussion...and they check for broken ribs but not a broken back? IDIOTS! (deep breath) Anyways, I have a huge test this week in Math, among other things, and I'm not looking forward to it.
Today's music obsession: Beirut


Guh said...

ohmygosh!!! i'm so excited to FIND you! (well, actually u found me but u know what i mean!)

i can't wait to get to know more about what you've been up to! thanks for commenting on my blog so i could find you again! w00t

btw- this is angela :D

Guh said...

kay- don't think i'm a stalker, but i just read through more of your blog and i feel so bad it's taken me so long to catchup (not the red stuff you make frysauce with...)... my mind has been kinda preoccupied lately-

anyway. sorry.