Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Pow" was the fourth Rice Krispie elf--apparently he sucked

My body thinks it's time to quit. It wants to sleep in without worrying about getting pills or cleaning spills or constant driving driving driving. It wants a vacation from life. The weather here has been nice, and I'm sure I'll be missing it when I'm freezing my butt off in Ideehoe, but I am willing to make the sacrifice. I'm getting a little worried about Bozeman, however. Have I mentioned that already? I had a nightmare that everything has changed too much, that I've changed too much, and that I won't fit in anymore, that the parade of life has marched on and I've lost my spot. In the dream everyone was like hyper and uberly (almost obnoxiously) outgoing and I was standing there watching everyone in everyone elses' faces and no one was paying attention because they were too busy trying to be the center of attention. Then the ward split into two groups: one popular and one unpopular, and I was obviously in the latter and for whatever reason was stuck having dodge balls thrown at me. I hate dodge ball, have ever since elementary school. You know you weren't popular because they threw the balls really hard at you. Remember Heads Up Seven Up? You wanted to be the one picking people because you could pick the guy you were secretly crushing on and he would be FORCED to look at you. On the flip side, you always dreaded getting picked by the smelly weirdo who picks his nose because then you know he LIKES you! Shudder. And remember reading the valentine's cards and candy hearts and making sure the person you liked got the best ones and the people you REALLY didn't like got the worst ones so they wouldn't think you liked them? Heavens, children shouldn't be analyzing relationships that early in life. On a lighter note, I dare you to find someone who didn't witness a recess wedding ceremony with a dandelion bouquet. The two who got married in my elementary school got sent to the principals office. Lame administrators.

1 comment:

kelt said...

hello my dear! even if the ward has changed i'm sure you'll be just fine :) and about the elementary valentines?? so true!! bahahahaaaa!!!!