Thursday, May 20, 2010

Horses can be a pain in the butt

So today, after it stopped raining, I decided to walk up the hill and pick through the piles of junk and see if I could find anything interesting. I did find an old license plate from 1935 (very cool). I also discovered that I'm more out of shape than I thought. Meh, who cares. By far the most disgusting thing I found was a giant collection of rock chuck turds in an old piece of machinery. It was far and away the largest collection of doo-doo I've ever seen (and that includes the pile of bunny poop we had when we had a bunny. We no longer have a bunny. Many years ago the dog got a hankering for a bit of bunny and ate it). You would not believe the amount of poop I saw. Gross. So I walked further up the hill, past the fence keeping the stinky cows at bay and sat under a tree and read for an hour or so. Once I came down, I followed my dad around while he set up some kind of fence for the horses around a pasture. Then me and Sidnee were supposed to get the horses into the pasture. Four of the horses did what they were supposed to (though they were brats about it) but Zack's colt ran around for who knows how long evading capture. I thought it was quite funny and enjoyed myself, but my dad (who has had a crappy week anyways) was really frustrated. It is supposed to rain all weekend (booo) but then get sunny (yeay) so I want to keep walking up the hill to read. Mmmmmm.

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