Monday, May 31, 2010

Congratulations graduates!

My baby sister graduated from high school on Thursday. She wasn't hard to miss among the mass of blue and white clad graduates, she was the only one with the sketch pad and furiously moving pencil. Her row was passing candy back and forth, which I thought a smart idea, and Sidnee even answered a text message I sent her. But really, graduation isn't for the students, just like a wedding reception isn't for the couple. It's for the family. It was trippy to think she's officially an adult now. It was also strange to talk to my friends. They all have kids now (except me of course), but for whatever reason it was wigging me out that night. My brother's friends are starting to come home off their missions and Shay only has about 6 months left. Weird.

1 comment:

.kai. said...

that' so true, graduation is just something for the parents to have relief knowing the kid graduated and for the kid to officially breathe knowing h.s. is over. i'm glad h.s. is DONE!