Monday, March 29, 2010

Squidward is such a barnacle-Spongebob Squarepants

I would like you to know I had so many deep and profound thoughts today that I was eager to share with my hoards of blogowers. (Blog+followers=blogowers) Yes, I totally just made up that word. Of course, I didn't jot any of them down and so when I finally get to the computer, I have no idea what earth shattering things I had planned on writing. Yesterday I realized I need to stop saying things like "earth shattering" or "earth shaking" to emphasize things in my speech. Considering the fact that I'm in California, that's like begging for an earthquake.
I finished reading the book of Psalms last night. You know, that book is the most often quoted by New Testament apostles and by Christ, but I think it tends to be overlooked by members of the Church today. A lot of it was rather tedious and repetitive, but there were SO many verses that are perfect for trials and tribulation. I have so many post-its on my wall with verses from Psalms written on them. If they all fell off at the same time and landed on my head while I was sleeping, I might be smothered by them. Death by post-it. The joke would no longer be a laughing matter.

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