Sunday, July 12, 2009


One of my new favorite movies: The Fall by Tarsem Singh. It's one of those films where you can mute the volume and enjoy the images like a slide show. Every scene is a separate work of art. Sad story, really, and a little blood when people die, but all in all a beautiful film, no matter what the anal-retentive critics or the uncultured public say.

This weekend my mom had a softball tourny in Rigby. If Pocatello is the armpit of Idaho, then Ribgy is the hemorrhoid on the you-know-what. Anyways, instead of sitting at home and enjoying my solitary freedom with a pan of brownies, I got bored and walked down the block to my aunts. Fortunately her abusive, alcoholic husband was gone, so she was in a good mood. (Sorry to be blunt Sierra, but he's a jerk you know.) For lunch today we walked to The Bus, a white school bus transformed into a "restaurant". Everyone has raved about how good it is, so I was disappointed to discover how ordinary it was. After lunch we walked over to a little boutique where I bought a white, diaphanous duster for $15 marked down from $119 and a cute onesie for Makoa.

All of these post Hawaii days have been spent in the same way: babysitting. I enjoy it, most days, and I'm getting paid for it, but it leaves no time whatsoever for socializing with people my own age. Ha! What a laugh! As if there were people my own age to socialize with! I've two friends within an hour's drive, but no car. So this is what it feels like to be a hermit? The upside is I've been able to read a lot of books for fun. One of them being a book of useless information. For example, everyone knows who Amelia Earhart is and how she disappeared over the Pacific, but does anyone remember the copilot/navigator Fred Noonan? And did you know General Santa Anna, of Alamo fame, inspired a New Jersey man to create chewing gum?

I was bored tonight and decided to browse through blogs that have won the Bloggies and I have to say for the most part I was disappointed. There were a few blogs that were worth watching, but for the most part they were really unnoteworthy. Not that mine is any better, but you know what I mean. For example there was a blog post by a girl who was apparently thrilled that her six year old had learned the F word. I can just imagine that kid in school. No doubt he's a hellion.

Sadly I turn a quarter of a century in twenty-four days. No doubt it is time for a quarter life crisis, though I wish I had money to do it properly. What good is a crisis if all it consits of is sitting on the couch eating ice cream and watching countless chick flicks? At the very least I should wallow in misery while taking in a cruise. (Please feel free to donate to this fund.)

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