Thursday, February 21, 2008

Well, today was interesting. Anyone who knows me knows I hate mornings with a great passion, but for whatever reason, I woke up at 6:15 this morning and for the life of me, I couldn't go back to sleep. I had been having a really good dream about a snowboarder using his head and a tree as a brake and I was a super EMT saving his life. Apparently I'm going through emergency medicine withdrawls. Anyways, lately I've been stressing about a research paper I have to write this semester. I decided to write about how Indian gaming has improved the standard of living on reservations, thinking there'd be sooo much information on this subject and therefore an easy paper. I've been searching on and off for over a month now and have found very little iformation. Until today. I stumbled across the website for the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development. All this time I've been stressing and here the Harvard people have done all my research for me. That's a load off my shoulders, you have no idea.

After Shay got out of class today, we headed to IF to look at ipods and mp3 players for my dad's birthday. Kendra said the radio in the kitchen isn't working and all he cds are scratched and thought it would be nice if he had all of his music on one thing that he could take to work, have in his truck, play at home, etc. Anyways, we get all the way to IF and Kendra calls and says that dad found out what we were planning on getting for him and asked if he got to pick which one he wanted. Of course she tells us when we were already in IF. So we wandered around trying to find somewhere that sold model cars, the kind you have to glue together. No one in IF sold them so we had to go to King's in Rigby. Of all places, they were the one's that had some. When we got back to Rexburg we rented movies. Woo hoo.

Fortunately school is out in a little over a month. A very exciting and very daunting thought...

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